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November 7, 2016

Today we celebrate:

Fill Our Staplers Day – This is a day to go and fill your stapler with staples so you're ready the next time you need to use it. You never think to do that until you run out at just the wrong time. So on this day, which is the day after Daylight Savings Time ends, and in March on the day after Daylight Savings Time begins, go and check the stapler.

Job Action Day - This is a day for everyone out there who is looking for a job or for advancement in their present job. Today we work on connecting workers with experts who can give job search and career advice.

Hug a Bear Day - Do you have a favorite teddy bear? Well, today can be as simple as giving your favorite bear a big hug….or as complex as making a bear that you can hug. You can make a bear out of fabric and synthetic fur and stuffing, or clay, or paper, or any other material your creativity comes up with. The more delicate materials will then demand a more delicate hug so you don’t destroy your creation.

Little League Girls Day - In 1973, New Jersey broke ground by allowing girls to play Little League baseball. In 1974, Little League was opened to girls and boys everywhere. And just last year in 2014, Mo’ne Davis became the first girl in Little League World Series history to pitch a shutout in the post season and to pitch a winning game and carry her team to victory. Girls have come a long way, but high schools and colleges and the minor and major leagues are still segregated.  

Notary Public Day - Notary publics have been celebrated on this day since 1975 in order to “recognize notaries for their public service and their contributions to national and international commerce.” Notaries are trusted public officials who are depended upon to affirm that the person signing the document is who they say they are. They confirm the person’s identity and are also responsible for assessing the person’s competence, comprehension and willingness to sign the document. And they don’t make money for what they do. Most of it is done for free. Some notaries can charge a small fee for their services and this serves to reimburse them for the cost of their licenses, and the cost of their stamps, all of which otherwise comes from their own pockets. And many notaries don’t charge for their services at all, the notaries at the library where I work are free. This day was chosen because using the Gregorian calendar, America’s first notary, Thomas Fugill was appointed on this day in 1639. (Oct. 25, 1639 using the Julian calendar.)

National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day – Almonds are very good for you, and we all know about the antioxidant effects of chocolate. So feel free to indulge yourself with both today.

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