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April 14, 2017

Today we celebrate:

Pathologists’ Assistant Day - A Pathologists’ Assistant is a person who helps a pathologist by examining things like tumors and performing autopsies. The medical profession would be in a tough spot without them.

National Pecan Day – Did you know that the pecans are the only nuts that are native to North America? I didn’t know that, but I found out here. Pecans are very good for you since they are full of vitamins and minerals but I think that some of that goodness gets negated a little bit when they are added to a pecan pie considering how much sugar goes into one of those.

Ex Spouse Day – While divorce is never a goal when you go into a marriage, it happens an alarming percentage of the time anyway. Sometimes I think people give up on each other too easily, but sometimes people just aren’t meant to be together for a variety of reasons. If you have children, I hope you make the effort to get along with your ex spouse for their sake. If not, then today is a day to celebrate your freedom.

International Moment Of Laughter Day – Created by Izzy Gezell, this is a day to acknowledge the power that laughter holds. Use humor to lift your spirits, relieve your stress, increase your self-confidence and optimism and boost your immune system. Some celebration ideas are here.

Look Up At The Sky Day – This is a day to take some time to smell the roses...whoops, wrong day. I meant to say...This is a day to take some time to look up at the sky. How often do we stop what we are doing and really look at the sky? Are there any interesting clouds up there today? Does it look like rain? Can you see a rainbow or a meteor?

National Dolphin Day - This is a day to celebrate everyone’s favorite sea creature...the dolphin. They are so beautiful swimming and jumping in the ocean, and they have been known to go out of their way to save humans from drowning. But we can’t forget that they have many challenges as well, such as the pollution that humans have created in their oceans, the fact that some countries still hunt and kill dolphins and the fact that fishermen inadvertently kill dolphins when they get caught in the fishing nets.

Reach As High As You Can Day – Today is a day to strive to go as far and as high as you can with whatever you are trying to do, whether you are trying to reach the cookie jar on top of the refrigerator or trying to get that big promotion at work.

Children With Alopecia Day – This is a disease in which the immune system attacks the hair follicles, causing hair to fall out. It affects children’s self-esteem more than their health. Unfortunately, other children can be extremely cruel and can unmercifully tease and torment any child that has a visible difference like Alopecia children have. Find out more here.

Pan American Day – Celebrated every year on this day as a “commemorative symbol of the American nations and the voluntary union of all in one continental community”. This union was established in on this day in 1890. On May 7, 1930, this day was adopted by the Governing Board of the Pan American union in official legal language with all the requisite whereas's and pursuant to's included. It's all here if you want to see it.

Good Friday – Celebrated on the Friday before Easter, today is the day Christians remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This is a day celebrated by many countries all over the world and each one has their own unique customs, traditions and beliefs. One such tradition is the kite flying that happens on Bermuda every Good Friday, serving as symbolism for Jesus ascending into heaven.

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