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April 26, 2017

Today we celebrate:

National Golf Day - Celebrated for the last 10 years, this is a day to NOT play golf. I’m sure that this news surprises you and I hope you have someone close by who knows CPR. NO GOLF TODAY. Instead, this is a day to go to Capitol Hill and TALK about golf, which is almost as fun, I’m sure. The powers that be in the golf community want to make sure that rules and regulations governing golfing are fair and appropriate so they spend some time every year discussing this with our Senators and Representatives.

Hug A Friend Day - I am a hugger. I can admit it. I don’t think I need therapy for it because I don’t think I get out of hand with it, but you’d have to ask my victims….I mean...friends that get hugged, in order to be sure. I’m am sure of one thing, you most likely have one or more friends that need a hug today. There are a lot of health benefits associated with hugging so don’t hold back.

Static Cling Day - Do you like science?  If so, this is a day to do some experiments with static cling. We’ve all experienced it, the shock you get when you touch someone sometimes and the fun of rubbing a balloon on your head and sticking it to the wall. Do a search on the internet to see if there are other fun experiments you can try.

World Intellectual Property Day - On this day we are to encourage innovation and creativity by discussing what the role of intellectual property should be. Intellectual property is something that isn’t physical but still belongs to the person who thought it up.

Help A Horse Day - This is a day that was created by the ASPCA to support the organizations that work hard to make sure that horses are safe and not being abused or mistreated. If you are part of such an organization, check out the link and and see how you can sign up for the contest next year. It’s too late to sign up this year because the deadline was April 1st but see what is involved and see if you can plan to participate next year because you could win several thousand dollars to help your mission.

National Pretzel Day – Pretzels have been around for a long time. There’s a story that they were invented by either German or Italian monks back around 600 A.D., but I couldn’t find any documentation about that so I don’t know if it’s true. However, there is documentation in the form of illustrations dating back to the 12th century that proves that they are at least that old.

Richter Scale Day – The Richter Scale was created by Charles Richter in 1935 and, as everyone in California knows, it measures the size of earthquakes. The largest one measured so far since it's creation was the Great Chilean Earthquake which registered a 9.5 on May 22, 1960. Between the earthquake and the resulting tsunami, more than 6,000 people died. The only reason that number isn’t higher is because of the relative low population density in the area at the time.  Mr. Richter was born on this day in 1900.  

Audubon Day – John James Audubon was born on this day in 1785. He was an artist who dedicated more than 30 years of his life to drawing as many different kinds of birds as he could find. The Audubon Society was created after his death by one of his wife's students, George Bird Grinnell, for the purpose of studying and protecting birds everywhere. And yes, as far as I can find out, that was Mr. Grinnell's real name. Many Audubon societies will have special events or opportunities for volunteering today.

National Kids And Pets Day – Created by Colleen Paige, who has created a lot of different pet related holidays, this is a day to foster the belief that every child should have a pet to care for. I had pets for most of my childhood and I can tell you that caring for them taught me a lot. I loved them more than I can even begin to tell you.

Administrative Professionals Day or Secretary's Day – Celebrated on Wednesday of the last full week in April, this is a day to recognize the hard work of receptionists, secretaries, administrative assistants, and other administrative support personnel. Without their support, the management of almost any company would not be able to function. Other countries also have special days like this celebrated at different times of the year. Australia, for example, celebrates on the first Friday in May.

Denim Day - At first glance you might think that this day is about jeans. Well, while wearing jeans is indeed what Peace Over Violence wants you to do, the reason why is the important part. This is a day to spread awareness of the prevalence of Sexual Violence and to protest the fact that in many societies in this world it is allowed. In others, it may not be allowed, but it certainly isn’t punished as it should be. The day was begun when the Italian Supreme Court ruled against a victim because they decided that since she was wearing tight jeans, she had to have helped her rapist remove them which they said implied consent. So that is why jeans are the visual symbol of this social statement. Wear them today and remind the world that no one has the right to force any woman to do anything she doesn’t want to do. And if you don’t know if she wants to or not, ask her. Anything other than a “yes” means “NO”! This day is celebrated on the last Wednesday of April.

International Guide Dogs Day – There is some discrepancy on when this day is to be celebrated, so I could be mistaken but I believe it is on the last Wednesday of April. This is a day to celebrate the important role that guide dogs play in maintaining the independence and mobility of people with a wide range of disabilities. It started out in the late 1920's with Dorothy Eustis, who had heard about the possibility of training dogs for this purpose from a school in Pottsdam, Germany, that went out of business after World War I. She wrote an article about it which Morris Frank, a blind man from Nashville, heard about and it went from there. Mr. Frank was the first blind man to have a seeing eye dog and he went on to create a training program here in the states that is still going today. Guide dogs are such amazing creatures that can be trained to do an amazing number of things from the simple to the impressively complex. They can even detect when your sugar levels are going too high or too low so that a diabetic can fix it before it becomes a dangerous problem.

National Walk @ Lunch Day - Also celebrated on the last Wednesday of April. This is a day to encourage fitness for all people. Schools are encouraged to have their students participate, and businesses of all kinds are to encourage their employees to make the choice to get out there and walk as well. Hopefully it’s not raining in your area.

International Noise Awareness Day - Who doesn’t love to crank up the volume when jamming to Iron Maiden, Kelly Clarkson and Frank Sinatra? Don’t judge me, I have eclectic tastes. Today however is a day to raise awareness of the effect noise has on your health. We don’t usually think about it unless the police come knocking at our door telling us that the neighbors are complaining….not that that has ever happened, because of course it has not. But since we don’t usually think about it unless it comes to extremes like that or in the opposite direction with deafness, this day was created by the Center of Hearing and Communication (CHC) to be celebrated on the last Wednesday of April by taking part in in lectures from health specialists, sound specialists, and other assorted experts.

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