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December 25, 2013

Today we celebrate:

National Pumpkin Pie Day – I usually think of this pie at Thanksgiving, but many people love it at Christmas as well.

A'Phabet Day or No "L" Day – This is a day for people who want to send greetings to their friends but do not want to send Christmas cards. So they send out cards that list the letters in the alphabet, leaving a space where the L would normally be.

– This is a day when Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Every country has different traditions for their celebrations but most involve a star, and giving gifts. Non-religious based celebrations that for many are as much a part of Christmas as the religious traditions involve Santa Claus or St. Nicholas, stockings hung by the fireplace and a Christmas tree.

To celebrate today, have some pumpkin pie while you make a'phabet cards to send out, then share some gifts with your family and friends.

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