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December 8, 2014

Today we celebrate:

National Chocolate Brownie Day – Oooooh boooooy! Just give me a moment to wipe up my drool. I'll be with you shortly. No, no, you don't need to come with me, I'm not hiding any brownies in my pantry. Really!

Pretend To Be A Time Traveler Day – This is just a fun day. If you are into acting and/or playing pranks on people, this is a day for you. Pick a time period to be from, dress up in clothes from that time period and spend the day pretending to be a time traveler from that time period. Be convincing. Talk appropriately, express amazement at modern conveniences if you are pretending to be from the past, etc. Do not allow yourself to slip out of character for even a moment. And whatever you do, DO NOT tell anyone that you are a time traveler.

To celebrate today, pretend to be a time traveler while singing and eating chocolate brownies all day.

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