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September 17, 2015

Today we celebrate:

Citizenship Day or Constitution Day – This day is to celebrate the adoption of our United States Constitution and to recognize everyone who has become United States citizens either by birth or by naturalization. It was on this day in 1787 that the Constitution was signed by the Constitutional Convention.

National Apple Dumpling Day – A pastry filled with apples, cinnamon and sometimes raisins and then baked until it fills your home with its' delicious aroma. And after that, you get to eat it! It doesn't get any better than this. Just take a look at this one from the website.

VFW Ladies Auxiliary Day – The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) was given it's name on this day in 1914, although the organization itself was begun in 1899. They work hard on behalf of American veterans in far more ways than I could have time to list here. The Ladies Auxiliary was established at that time as well with the mission of serving “the veterans of this country and our communities in honor of the sacrifices and commitment of every man and woman who has served in uniform.”

To celebrate today, honor your citizenship with an apple dumpling. Then sign up to join the Ladies Auxiliary.

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