Lion’s Share Day - Aesop had a fable for every occasion, including this one. A lion’s share, of course, is the largest possible portion of whatever it is you are dividing. A little greedy? Why, yes, but you deserve it today. You can entertain discussions on fairness tomorrow.
Summer Leisure Day - Playing is not just for kids. Adults need to have some leisurely fun time too. It’s good for your health and your personal relationships so shed your responsibilities for the day and go out and play.
Casual Pi Day – This day is also known as Pi Approximation Day because if you write the date the European way with the day first, then the month, you get the fraction equivalent of pi (22/7).

National Penuche Fudge Day – This isn't really fudge, but it is fudge-like. It uses brown sugar and so it has a tan color and a caramel flavor. Many people like to mix in different kinds of nuts to enhance the flavor.
Rat-Catchers Day – This day, also celebrated on June 26th, is about commemorating the Pied Piper of Hamelin. The difference in dates is because the Brothers Grimm said that the Pied Piper led the children out of town on the 26th of June in 1284, but Robert Browning, who wrote a poem about it, gave it a date of July 22nd, 1376. I suggest that if you have a problem with rats in your home, the rat-catcher is your very best friend and deserves two special days.
Spooners (Spoonerism) Day – This is a day to remember Reverend William Archibald Spooner, who was born on this day in 1844. Rev. Spooner was known for frequently slipping up and mixing up the beginnings of words, such as saying “swell foop” instead of the intended “fell swoop” and “queer old dean” instead of “dear old queen.” He did this so often that his name was used to describe this type of tongue tripping.
National Day Of The Cowboy – Founded by the American Cowboy magazine in 2004, this is a day to promote our cowboy history and protect our Western heritage. I didn’t know there was an American Cowboy magazine. I’ll have to check it out. This day is celebrated on the fourth Saturday of July, which is not the same thing as the last Saturday in July as the previous couple of days. So every now and then, they will fall on a different Saturday so you’ll have to pay attention.
National Drowning Prevention Day - I haven’t found a lot of recent information on this day. I did find an old site from nearly ten years ago that named this day for celebrations by teaching your children what to do if they fall into the pool or pond or some other body of water. Even small children can be taught to roll over and float until someone can come and save them. You can also start teaching them how to swim at any age, they are never too young as long as they have constant supervision and you have lots of patience. Fencing your pool is a fantastic idea, but not everyone does that and not all bodies of water are fenced, so keep an eye on your kids as much as possible, and teach them how to save themselves for those times when you just have to sleep and they decide to have an adventure. This day is a 4th Saturday of July celebration.
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