Hot Enough For Ya Day - For those of us melting in the middle of summer, this is a day to talk about and possibly complain about the weather. For some, it is never too hot, for others 80 degrees and up is just too hot. I tend to be one of the later. I prefer colder weather because I like to bundle up. I don’t like to sweat just sitting around my house.
Batman Day - This day was created three years ago by DC Entertainment to honor Batman’s 75th Anniversary. It is an opportunity for fans to dress up as Batman on a day besides Halloween. This day was celebrated that year by comic book stores and other smallish books stores all over. If you inquire at your favorite comic book store, they might be doing something to celebrate this year as well even though it is his 78th Anniversary.
International Yada Yada Yada Day - This is a Seinfeld day. If you’re a fan, no explanation is needed. If you’re not, I’m not sure I have enough space in this blog to explain. You’ll have to watch a few old episodes and then, yada yada’ll understand.

Gorgeous Grandma Day – This is a day to give your gorgeous grandma a call and maybe even a visit if you can. Grandmas are precious. Sometimes you don't even realize how precious they are until they are gone. You never know how much time you have left with yours. Don't waste a moment of it.
Auntie's Day – This is the seventh year celebrating this day that is just for Aunts. It is celebrated on the fourth Sunday in July and is a day to acknowledge the fact that unlike parents, aunts step in because they choose to. They can play with their nieces and nephews when parents are too busy so they can give parents a break and occupy the kids for a while. They spend money on the kids because they want to, not because they have to, and they have unlimited amounts of love and patience because they are not tested to the brink every day like parents are. I couldn't find a reliable source for the origin of this day but most of us have at least one Aunt that we love dearly, or maybe you are one yourself. If you do have one, give her a call today and tell her how much you love her.
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