National Chocolate Wafer Day – A crispy, waffley kind of cookie layered with a sweet, creamy, chocolatey filling. I'm making myself hungry again.
Compliment Your Mirror Day – On this day your job is to look into your mirror and compliment it for having such an amazing, talented, and beautiful/handsome owner. In addition, you must look at every mirror you encounter today and make sure it smiles at you.

Stay Out Of The Sun Day - This is a day to protect yourself from the damaging rays of the sun by simply staying out of it. Enjoy whatever shade you find because it goes a long way to keeping us cool when air conditioning is not available.
Disobedience Day – There are times when disobedience is necessary to right something that is very wrong. A good example would be the Civil Disobedience protests led by Martin Luther King, Jr. Without them, we might still be living in a segregated society where people of color are openly and actively persecuted with no legal recourse. Peaceful disobedience is an excellent way to fight against unjust laws/rules and create change in your society.
Earth At Aphelion – On this day at 4:11 pm (Universal Time) we are at the farthest point from the sun that we ever go. The earth's orbit around the sun is not a circle, it is more elliptical which means that we are not exactly the same distance from the sun from day to day. Oddly enough, the earth is warmer at this point than it is at perihelion when we are the closest to the sun. Although I’m not sure if the southern hemisphere would agree.
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