Hug Your Sweetheart Day - This should be something you do every day that you are with your sweetheart. But this day in particular is a day to hug your sweetheart and let him or her know how much you care about them, and how much you think about them every day.
Ride The Wind Day - This is a day to relax and let the wind carry you wherever it may. Some good ways to do that are going for a ride in a hot air balloon, jumping out of an airplane and parachuting gently to the ground, or taking a ride in a sailboat.

European Day of Remembrance for Victims of Stalinism and Nazism - Sometimes known as Black Ribbon Day, this is a day for remembering victims of totalitarian regimes. It was created by the European Parliament in 2008 & 2009 and has been observed by the European Union ever since. The day was chosen because it is the day of the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact in 1939, a non-aggression agreement between the USSR and Nazi Germany which also divided several countries into German and Soviet “spheres of influence” with the understanding that country lines would be altered in the future and they would absorb these countries. It was broken in 1941 by the Germans.
National Spongecake Day – This is a day to make a fluffy, spongy cake. I like to eat cake like this with strawberries and whipped cream, but there are a multitude of other options out there.
International Day For The Remembrance Of The Slave Trade & Its Abolition – Created by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), this is a day to remember the inhumanity of the transatlantic slave trade. It was on this day in 1791, that a revolt began in Haiti which set in motion events that eventually culminated in the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade in 1807 in Great Britain and in 1808 in America. Something that was certainly a step in the right direction toward ending slavery in America although that took a lot longer.
Valentino Day – On this day in 1926, Rudolph Valentino, an enormously popular star of the silent-screen died because of a ruptured ulcer at the very young age of 31 years old. He was Hollywood's first sex symbol and was idolized by millions of female fans.
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