Corporate Baby Name Day - There are actually people in this world who will sell the right to name their baby to a corporation. I can’t quite imagine it. I wouldn’t do that, who knows what you might end up with. You might get a baby named Toyota or Pillsbury. Well, not in my family.
National Gossip Day - Louella Parsons was born on this day in 1881. You have probably never heard of her, although she lived until 1972, so I will enlighten you a bit. She was the first American movie columnist. She wrote columns that were essentially gossip columns which that were published in 400 newspapers all around the world and read by 20 million people. She was unofficially known as the Queen of Hollywood. I don’t normally encourage gossip of any kind. But today you have no choice. Share with a friend some juicy gossip about celebrities or people you actually know.
National Root Beer Float Day – This day is celebrated by A&W which is offering free root beer floats at your local A&W Restaurants from 2pm until closing. They will be collecting donations that will go to support Disabled American Veterans. So if you have an A&W Restaurant near you, stop in and enjoy.
Hiroshima Day – On this day in 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima in Japan. It's hard for me to wrap my head around how devastating that was for Japan. We were at war with them at the time and although this event contributed to ending the war, the cost and the pain it inflicted is unimaginable for me.
Wiggle Your Toes Day – This is a day for feet. I don't know who created this day but it's a fun one. Kick off your shoes and wiggle your toes today. It's even better if you have something to wiggle them in like sand or jello.

American Family Day - Devised by John Makkai, and created by proclamation by Arizona Governor Raul Hector Castro in 1977, then signed into law by Arizona Governor Bruce Babbitt the next year, this is a day to celebrate families by spending time with them. You are not encouraged, and indeed are actively discouraged from spending money on gifts for your family members. This is not that kind of day. You are to show your family that you love them by doing things with them and showing your love through your actions, not your wallet. This day is celebrated on the first Sunday in August.
National Doll Day – Celebrated on the first Sunday in August, this is a day to play with your dolls. Have a tea party with them and whomever else you would like to invite, or you can throw a doll party. Have all of your friends come and bring their dolls.
Friendship Day - Another first Sunday in August celebration, this one has been around since 1935 and is all about honoring your friends. The day has gone international even though the name doesn’t say so. But as far as I can tell, people in all countries of the world have friends and Heaven knows that our friends are very important to us so I can’t think of anyone who would complain about celebrating them today.
Sister's Day – Also on the first Sunday in August, this is a day to show your sister how much you love and appreciate her. This is more for non-adolescent siblings because I happen to know that if adolescents happen to have a sister, they are more likely to want to pull her hair and kick her in the face than they are to appreciate her. The older you get, the more family means to you. My sister and I have always loved each other, but we started being friends when we were teenagers and that love has only deepened with age. Not that there has been that much age, mind you. Not trying to say that we are old or anything, because we are definitely NOT.
National Kids Day - This day was created by KidsPeace in 1994 and has been recognized by the United States Congress. It is yet another day that is celebrated on the first Sunday in August and it is meant to “encourage adults to spend meaningful time with America’s children, and to celebrate their inherent worth and value.”
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