National Burger Day - This is a day for burgers of all kinds. Whatever you like. The ground beef burger on a bun is an American creation but there is much debate over here they were invented, and why they are called hamburgers when they contain beef. Fun fact, the largest hamburger ever created was in Wisconsin for a burger festival and it weighed over 8,000 pounds. I’m not sure whether to be happy about that or outraged. I guess it would depend on what they did with the meat afterward, I would hate to think that God knows how many cows died just to make a giant burger that was then thrown away.
Pony Express Day - Celebrated on the last Sunday in August for the purpose of honoring the men who were part of the mail service delivering mail from St. Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento, California by horseback. It was a 2,000 mile stretch that they traveled in 10 days. It only lasted 18 months but it employed 120 riders, and nearly 400 support personnel and was a very demanding and dangerous job. Some celebrate this on the last Saturday in August.
Tarzan Day - On this day in 1912, Tarzan made his debut in a magazine, or so I am led to understand. I haven’t found proof of that and I have seen some evidence that it may have been an October issue of the magazine. I am certain, however, that Tarzan was the creation of Edgar Rice Burroughs, and two years later Mr. Burroughs published the first of a series of novels based on this amazing character.
Kiss Me Day - Not ME specifically, I’m sure you understand. My husband would object. However, it was on this day in 1929, that the first on-screen kiss between Popeye and his lady love, Olive Oyl, occurred. I’m sure there were many raised eyebrows in the audience as well as hands placed over the kids eyes. Henceforth, this has become a day to kiss the one you love.
Just Because Day - This is a day to do something….well, just because. Is there something you would like to do but don’t really have a good reason to do it? Well, now is your chance. Do it today...just because.

National Pots de Creme Day – Pots de Creme (pronounced poh-deh-krem) is French for “pot of cream.” It is a custard that is heavier than you are probably used to and is baked in a small, single serving pot or ramekin. They can be vanilla or chocolate and they look delicious.
Banana Lover's Day – I love bananas and have one nearly every day in my cereal in the morning. How do you feel about them? They are not just delicious fruits that have only been readily available in this country for about a hundred years, but they are also very healthy and full of potassium which is very useful for preventing muscle cramps, something that I used to suffer from on a daily basis. But not since I started eating bananas everyday.
Lyndon Baines Johnson Day – This is a state holiday in Texas to honor President Lyndon Baines Johnson who was born on this day in 1908.
The Duchess Who Wasn't Day – You have probably heard the quote, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Who hasn't? But you may not know who said it. It comes from a novel I had never heard of, Molly Bawn, which was written by Margaret Wolfe Hungerford who used a pseudonym, “The Duchess”, which was also the title of her most popular book. She was born in Ireland on this day in 1850 and died in 1897.
Go Topless Day – This is a day that is celebrated on the Sunday closest to Women's Equality Day, which is on August 26th. It is all about the “if men can do it, women can too” premise. I believe that to a certain degree, but I have no desire to prove it by going topless. I don't particularly care that men can go topless, I just think that means they have more surface area to put sunscreen on and frankly, I don't have that kind of time. If you do, there are many cities throughout the nation that will be having Go Topless Day protests, feel free to join in.
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