Racial Justice Sunday - Celebrated on the second Sunday in September, this is a day for Christians to gather and give thanks for human diversity, which strengthens us as a people, something that racists do not understand. Today we need to pray for an end to racism, and reflect on the importance of racial justice. This day was begun in 1995 and is celebrated in Great Britain but should be celebrated around the world, in my opinion. Maybe one day it will be.
Blame It on the Large Hadron Collider Day - On this day in 2008, the first Large Hadron Collider was finished and ready to test the Big Bang Theory (the real theory, not the television show) in a controlled environment. Since then, people (mostly science geeks) have found it convenient to blame the Large Hadron Collider for anything missing in their lives. Missing your cell phone? It’s probably in the Large Hadron Collider. Missing your socks after doing laundry? It’s probably in the Large Hadron Collider. You get the idea.

International Creepy Boston Dynamics Robotic Horse Day - As you may or may not know, people who know how to do such things are very busy trying to create realistic looking working robots. I think that they have the idea that if they make a robot look like something that people are already used to, people will accept it more easily. That or they figure that why try to reinvent the wheel. If a body structure works in real life, maybe it will work in artificial life. However, if you break a body down to see it’s bare bones, it’s pretty creepy looking. So robots, without a covering to hide their inner workings, are also pretty creepy. Boston Dynamics is an organization that builds robots and they have a good one that resembles a horse. Albeit, a creepy one.
Sewing Machine Day – Also celebrated on June 13th, this is a day to use your sewing machine to make some new clothes for yourself and your family. Elias Howe received a patent for his sewing machine on this day in 1846.
TV Dinner Day - In 1953, Swanson & Sons did something no one else had ever done and put a full, single serving meal on a tray, in a box and froze it. It became known as a TV dinner. There are lots of different kinds of meals that can be found like this in the grocery store now, and some of them look like they might be somewhat healthy. They can also be cooked in a microwave instead of in the oven these days which makes it even faster.
International Make-Up Day - This is a day for making up with anyone that you have hurt either purposefully or accidentally. Apologize for anything you did or said that was wrong or hurtful and you will both feel better for it.
Swap Ideas Day – This is a day for an open idea exchange. Swap your ideas with everyone you meet today, the only rule is that you must be open minded and not get into a fight just because someone might disagree with you or share an idea that you find repugnant. Politics and religion are particularly inflammatory subjects. So please remember that the idea today is simply to exchange ideas, not to convince someone to change their thinking on a subject. You can agree to disagree.
World Suicide Prevention Day – This is a day to do whatever you can to prevent suicides from happening. There are warning signs, find out what they are and spread the information around. If more people are able to recognize when someone might be headed down a suicidal path, there is a greater chance of diverting them to a more positive place and possibly saving a life.
National Grandparent's Day – Celebrated on the first Sunday after Labor Day, this is a day to celebrate Grandparents. It was begun in 1970 by Marian McQuade who lobbied politicians to create a day which would encourage families to spend time with their older relatives. She finally was able to get it through to President Jimmy Carter in 1978 and he signed it into law.
National Hug Your Hound Day – Celebrated on the second Sunday of September, this is a day to increase awareness of the use of urban spaces to create nature, human and dog friendly environments. In other words, big cities need places for humans and dogs to commune with nature.
National Pet Memorial Day - People love their pets as much as they love the rest of their family. So it’s no surprise that when a beloved pet dies, you go through the same grieving process. Today is a day to remember the pets you have had. This day is celebrated on the second Sunday of September.
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