Gallbladder Good Health Day - This is a really good day to focus on eating healthy foods that your gallbladder likes and avoiding fatty foods that make your gallbladder work hard. So no fried foods today, instead eat fruit and vegetables and lean meats and enjoy your healthy gallbladder.
Festival of Latest Novelties - Today we celebrate the fads and weird things that are made and sold to the gullible public. In other words...the newest “in” thing. Like pet rocks back in the 70’s. Whoever thought up painting faces on rocks and selling them made a bundle because people thought it was cute and funny and all their friends had them so they needed to buy them too. And never thought about maybe just making their own with a little paint and a nice clean rock. Because that wouldn’t be an “official” pet rock.
National Cherries Jubilee Day – A dessert that consists of cherries over vanilla ice cream. Sometimes brandy or some other kind of liqueur is warmed and poured over the top. I've never tried it because I’m not a big fan of cherries, although I do like cherry flavoring so maybe I can find a compromise.
Punctuation Day – I better proofread my work carefully today because this day is all about proper punctuation. Make sure you use your commas, colons, periods, apostrophes, etc., properly.

Schwenkfelder Thanksgiving Day – I had never heard of the Schwenkfelders so I found the brief history on this page very interesting. You might want to read it as well. The first Schwenkfelder Thanksgiving took place on this day in 1734, two days after they arrived in Philadephia. The Schwenkfelders are named after their founder, Caspar Schwenkfeld who was born in 1489. He had a different idea about the Lord's Supper and chose to split from Martin Luther and go his own way in 1526. His followers suffered nearly 200 years of persecution but were a stubborn bunch and refused to give in and convert to Catholicism or Lutheranism and finally snuck away from their homes and journeyed for several years until they all finally settled in Philadephia. Many people choose to celebrate on a Sunday near this day.
National Daughter’s Day - This is a day to celebrate your daughter(s). It is National Daughter’s Day but it is actually celebrated in several different countries such as India and the United Kingdom. I have put it on this, the fourth Sunday in September, because most people celebrate on this day. However, there are some who believe it is on October 1st. A good way to celebrate the day is to do something fun and special with your daughter like a tea party if she is a child, or decorating each other’s nails if she’s a teenager, or sharing a cup of coffee and conversation if she is an adult.
World Deaf Day - Celebrated on the last Sunday in September, this is a day to draw attention to the achievements of deaf people and the deaf community. They have come a long way since the days when they were pretty much hidden from society. They were seen as being unable to learn and be educated. Therefore they were not allowed to own property, or marry, and had to have a guardian. Life is much better these days, however, there is still more that we can do to expand the development of technology that will help deaf people live the same quality of lifestyle as hearing people.
World Rivers Day - Also celebrated on the last Sunday in September, today we celebrate the waterways of the world. Our rivers are essential to the health of the plants and animals that live on this planet, ourselves included. Let’s do our best to keep them clean.
Gold Star Mother's Day – This is a day that was created by the American Gold Star Mothers Inc. which is an organization that provides support for mothers of children who were lost in a war. It was created just after World War I. Membership is open to any American woman who has lost a child in service to the United States. We celebrate this day on the last Sunday in September every year.
Fast of Gedaliah – This is a Jewish fast day that begins at dawn and ends at dusk. They are remembering the assassination of the governor of Judah named Gedaliah by a Judean named Yishmael Ben Netaniah and several cohorts a few thousand years ago.
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