Skyscraper Day – This is a day to admire the world's tallest skyscrapers such as Taipei 101 in Taipei, Taiwan which is 1,671 feet tall. It is celebrated today because this is Louis H. Sullivan’s birthday. If you are like me and have never heard of Mr. Sullivan, allow me to tell you that he was born in 1856 and is the architect given credit for designing the first skyscrapers. He is sometimes known as the “father” of the American skyscraper. The truth of the matter is that lots of architects had built skyscrapers before or at the same time as Mr. Sullivan so I’m not sure why he is so special but I don’t make the special days, I just tell you about them.
National Welsh Rarebit Day – Welsh Rarebit (also known as Welsh Rabbit) is toast with hot cheese poured over it. It is very popular in Europe. It doesn't have rabbit as an ingredient so it may be that it was invented after an unsuccessful rabbit hunt.

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