National Vichyssoise Day - This is a soup made from potatoes, cream, leeks, onion and chicken stock. It was apparently invented in 1917 in America by French chef Louis Diat at the Ritz-Carlton in New York where he worked at the time. It is usually served cold, which I’m not sure I would enjoy, but I’ll have to reserve judgement until I try it.
William Tell Day - According to legend, it was on this day in 1307 when William Tell was forced to shoot an apple off his son’s head with his crossbow. He succeeded but the man in charge of the area, Albrecht Gessler, saw that he had a second arrow readily available and asked Tell what it was for. Tell replied that if he had killed his son with the first arrow, he would have killed Gessler with the second. This caused him all kinds of more trouble and shortly thereafter led to a rebellion that eventually led to the Swiss Confederation. Now, the historians dispute that this ever happened and that someone named Wilhelm (or William) Tell ever existed, but I wouldn’t mention that to any Swiss people you might know because I’ve heard that they get somewhat aggravated.
Married To A Scorpio Support Day – I guess that it must be very challenging to be married to a Scorpio because this is the only birth sign that I have found that has a support day for spouses. Kind of bizarre and if anyone who is married to a Scorpio could enlighten me as to why a support group is needed, I would be very interested.
Mickey Mouse Day – On this day in 1928, Steamboat Willie was released for the first time. This is, of course, the beginning for Mickey Mouse....the most famous mouse in the world.

Occult Day – This is a day to celebrate the occult. You may do so by visiting your favorite psychic, reading your horoscope, charting your stars or simply reading a book about it.
Family Volunteer Day – Celebrated on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, this is a day to get your whole family involved in volunteering. Pick your favorite activity whether it's helping your local food pantry, helping at a local homeless shelter, picking up the garbage at your local park or any other worthy cause and get the family working on it today.
National Adoption Day - Celebrated on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, today we celebrate a day that was begun in 2000 by several organizations including: The Alliance for Children’s Rights, the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, the Freddie Mac Foundation and the Children’s Action Network. Thousands and thousands of adoptions from foster care have been finalized on this day over the years and we celebrate both the families who adopt and the children who are adopted.
International Survivors of Suicide Day – Also celebrated on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, this is a day for the friends and family members of those who have died by suicide to join together and share a healing spirit. There will be events happening all over the world for the purpose of uniting these survivors. This day was begun by Senator Harry Reid in 1999 and started out as a National Day but when other countries began celebrating it as well it was changed to an International Day.
International Games Day @ Your Library – On the third Saturday in November we have a day to celebrate games and libraries, so today libraries all over the world are playing all different kinds of games. Check with your local library to see if they are participating.
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