Beautiful Day - I’m not sure who created this day or why but do you really need a reason? It doesn’t even matter what the weather is doing today, there is no reason that you cannot find something to appreciate about today and every day for that matter. Yes, life and the world in general is filled with ugliness. There were the terrorist attacks in Paris just last week, and the other terrorist attacks that you may not have even heard about the day before that in Beirut. But even in the midst of disaster of these proportions, there is beauty to behold. Because times like this are when good people shine the brightest and give of themselves the most without expecting something in return. And times like this are when we most need to take a breath and look around us and seek out the beauty that is there in the sunset that lights up the sky, or the smell of the bakery around the corner or the sound of someone telling someone they love them, or the sight of someone giving someone in need a hug of support.
Future Teachers of America Day - Where would our children be without their teachers? And since teachers don’t work forever, we need a constant supply of new ones to replace the ones who retire. So for everyone who wants to be a teacher some day whether you are presently in college working on your teaching degree or you are in Kindergarten wanting to be just like your wonderful Kindergarten teacher, this is a day for you.
National Absurdity Day - Do not worry about making sense today. This is a day for doing fun and crazy and totally absurd things. It’s also a great day to look at our history and even some of our laws and making note of the absurd things that at some point someone thought was reasonable. Such as in Hartford Connecticut where it is illegal for a man to kiss his wife on Sunday. And in Alabama where it is illegal for a driver to wear a blindfold while operating a vehicle. This website has some pretty good absurd information for you to learn about.
National Peanut Butter Fudge Day – This is a day for fudge, but not just any fudge. Today you must make and eat, or buy and eat, peanut butter fudge. Creamy and delicious, but filled with nuts so I will excuse you from this celebration if you have allergy issues.

African Industrialization Day – Proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in 1989, and first celebrated the next year, this is a day to encourage the countries of the world to support the industrialization of Africa.
Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day aka G.O.H.A.R.D. - Begun in 2011, this is a day to support people who are motivated to run. I am not a runner, but I have a lot of respect for those who are. So wrap your arms around a runner today no matter where you are in the world. You don't even need to know them personally. Although, perhaps an hug accompanied by an explanation would be appropriate in that circumstance.
Name Your PC Day – This is another unexplained, odd day. Today is a day to pick a name for your computer. I'm not one to go around naming things. I don't name my car or my stuffed animals (when I was young enough to have them) and I found naming my children to be a difficult proposition so I'm not sure why we need to name our computers. But I don't create the days, I just tell you about them.
Transgender Day of Remembrance – This is a day to remember all those who have lost their lives in anti-transgender violence. It's hard for me to understand why someone who is opposed to a transgender lifestyle would resort to violence. I have never heard of anyone forcing anyone else to be transgender. If it's not for you, just go about your business and let them go about their business. If you are opposed because of your religious beliefs, please remember that killing is a sin in almost every religion I have ever heard of and it’s not our job to judge others. That responsibility belongs to whatever higher power you believe in.
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