Cranberry Relish Day - A favorite dish at Thanksgiving in my house, this is a day to make some cranberry relish to add some pizzazz to your meal tonight.
Humane Society Anniversary Day – Founded on this day in 1954, the Humane Society was created by Fred Myers, Helen Jones, Larry Andrews and Marcia Glaser. In the years since, the Society has made great strides in rescuing animals that are being abused.
National Start Your Own Country Day - The Hallmark people say this was begun in 1939 at the World’s Fair in New York. I have not been able to confirm that but it sounds like something the World’s Fair people would do. Starting your own country is a complicated thing to do but I advise you to start with a National Anthem. Writing a song is difficult but if you can get the right one, it might inspire you to the next step which is creating a National flag and choosing a National animal, flower, bird, etc. Danny Wallace has some experience doing this, which you can read about here.
Go For A Ride Day – This is a day to de-stress by going out for a ride. It doesn't even matter what you choose to ride. Take your pick of any mode of transportation: car, bus, train, scooter, bicycle, horse, donkey, airplane, elephant...whatever you have handy that will get you from one place to another in a relaxing way.
Blackout Wednesday - Hmmm, I’m not a fan of this day. Apparently it is traditional among college students or adults who do not have to work on Thanksgiving, to take the day before and drink until they blackout since they will have Thanksgiving to recover. I will not be celebrating this day because I’m going to be too busy cooking in preparation for tomorrow and I have no desire to be miserably sick tomorrow. I will remind you that you will not be as able to enjoy the Thanksgiving meal with your family if you are hungover.

National Family Caregivers Day - This is a day to honor, and hopefully help, the people we know who are caregivers for someone in their family. Sometimes this is a spouse of someone in need, or grown children, parents, siblings, aunts and uncles or someone who is even farther away on the family tree. It is very difficult to do everything that needs to be done for someone in need and still keep your own sanity. So if you are someone in this position, you have our thoughts and prayers today. If you know someone in this position, ask if you can do something to help them. Whether it’s taking over for an hour or more or even a weekend, or simply running some errands for them, I’m sure your help will be gratefully received. This day is celebrated 6 days after the third Thursday in November.
What Do You Love About America Day - Created by some ecard people and celebrated on the day before Thanksgiving, this is a day to think about what you love most about America. Share your thoughts with others and find out what they love most about America as well. We live in a great country but frequently take our freedoms, rights and privileges for granted.
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