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November 27, 2017

Today we celebrate:

National Electric Guitar Day - Born on this day in 1942, Jimi Hendrix was a multitalented artist. He sang, wrote songs, and was one of the most influential electric guitarists in the history of music. He died at the depressingly young age of 27, but his music and talent are still celebrated today.

National Bavarian Cream Pie Day – This is a pie that has a cooked egg custard filling in a pie shell with a whipped cream topping. Oh, boy! I want some! I love Bavarian Cream Donuts and this must be even better!

Turtle Adoption Day - This is a day to consider adopting a turtle. Why would you consider adopting a turtle? Well, you need to consider that some people are allergic to other animals like cats and dogs. Turtles don’t make a lot of noise or mess, and…..well, that’s it. I’m out of good points for turtles. I would strongly suggest, that if you want to take advantage of this day, make sure you do your research on the turtle you decide to adopt as they have very specific care needs.

Pins and Needles Day – On this day in 1937, a famous play called Pins And Needles opened on Broadway. It is famous because it was the first, and possibly the only, Pro-Labor play at a time when Unions were struggling to get a foothold among the people.

Cyber Monday – This is the Black Friday for online businesses. Today focus your buying power online. If you look, you will find some great deals to snatch up.

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