National Cheese Fondue Day – Originating in Switzerland sometime in the 1700's, it endures today because, as everyone knows, cheese makes everything taste better.
Eight Track Tape Day – I know I'm dating myself, but I remember having these wonderful musical devices from the 1960's and 70's when I was a child. My parents probably still have our 8-track collection and our 8-track tape player, which may or may not still work. My favorite one, which I listened to over and over was the Magic of Abba. Sadly, my children have never even seen one of these tapes, let alone held one in their hands.
Barbershop Quartet Day – Barbershop Quartets have been around for a very long time. Their popularity was kind of dying out and you didn't see or hear of them as much, so on this day in 1938, 26 people gathered in Tulsa, Oklahoma and formed the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America. Now, you have to look for them, they don’t hang out at barbershops anymore, but if you want to I’m sure you can find a quartet to serenade you.

International “Louie Louie” Day – On this day in 1935, Richard Berry was born. I’m sure a lot of other people were born that day too, but Mr. Berry was special because he later composed “Louie Louie”, a song that is considered by some to be the best party song of all time. A song that no one seems to know the lyrics to, except for the “Louie Louie” part.
National Pet Day – This day was created by Colleen Paige (You may recognize her name from yesterday's National Farm Animals Day. She orchestrated a bunch of animal related celebration days.). This is a day that will hopefully inspire you to help out the over-crowded, under-staffed and under-funded animal shelters all over the country. Thousands of animals are killed in shelters every year because no one wants them and there's not enough money or room to keep them all at the shelters for the rest of their natural lives. Save a pet today and adopt one from a shelter so it can have a loving, forever family.
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