Impossible Astronaut Day - For all of those Whovians out there and in my house, this is a day for you. On this day in 2011, the Doctor Who episode called “The Impossible Astronaut” started off series 6 with some new monsters called the Silence. These particular monsters had the very odd affect of causing you to forget you had seen them the moment you took your eyes off them. So in order to remind themselves that they had seen them, the Doctor and his friends made tally marks on their arms. So if you see people with tally marks on their arms today, you will know what they are celebrating today.
International Nose Picking Day - It pains me to have to tell you that this day has been celebrated for several years. How many years? I don’t know. I don’t know who created it either because that person is probably hiding their head in shame. This is disgusting and if you choose to celebrate, please don’t let me see you do it.
International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day - Created by Jo Walton and first celebrated in 2007, this is a day that encourages writers to post “professional quality” work for free on the internet. This day was created by Ms. Walton after Howard V. Hendrix complained that “webscabs” are “converting the noble calling of Writer into the life of Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Wretch.” It appears that Ms. Walton disagrees with Mr. Hendrix.
National Day of Puppetry - Celebrated on the fourth Saturday of April, (some puppetry groups choose to celebrate on different days) this is a day to learn about the art of puppetry, practice some puppetry on your own, or watch a puppet show. The most important thing to do today, is have fun with puppets.

National Picnic Day - I imagine that when houses were first invented, picnics weren’t a big thing because everyone was excited about being able to eat indoors. But that got old after a while and it became exciting again to grab a blanket, some bug spray, sunscreen, and a basket of food and eat outside in nature. Back off ants, this is MY chicken salad. Don’t forget the baby wipes, napkins, beverages, cups, utensils, plates, condiments and….wow, this is a lot of work. Let’s just eat in the kitchen like we usually do.
World Book Night - This special day is run by the The Reading Agency, a British organization dedicated to spreading the love of reading. To celebrate the day, thousands of books are given away to people who don’t read a lot or own any books. They are always looking for volunteers to help them with this goal.
International Marconi Day – At first glance, I thought this was Macaroni Day too, but it most definitely is not. Born on April 25, 1874, Guglielmo Marconi played an enormous role in the invention of wireless telegraphy. In other words, we have radio capability because of him. We celebrate his birthday on a Saturday close to his birthday with amateur radio events going on all over the world.
National Cherry Cheesecake Day – If you love cheesecake and cherries, here's a recipe you can try.
National Lovers' Day – This is a day that is less about spending money, to give your significant other a card and a gift, and more about spending time together doing things you enjoy. You could ask someone to marry you or take them to the beach at sunset to tell them how much you love them. Let your inner romantic out today.
National Zucchini Bread Day – One of my kid's favorites. They hate zucchini, but if I put it in a bread product with lots of sugar, suddenly it's ok. Call me suspicious, but I suspect it's more because of the sugar than the zucchini.
Take A Chance Day – This is a day to try something new that you’ve never done before. Take a chance that you will like it. If you are very adventurous, take a chance with your life and do something I consider really radical like bungee jumping or skydiving. Some celebrate this on April 25th.

Talk Like Shakespeare Day – England's National Poet, and one of the greatest poets and playwrights ever. Historians believe that this is the anniversary of his birth as well as his death. We don’t know exactly when his birthday was, but people who study such things believe it could be today in the year 1564. It is definitely the day he died in 1616. Today you should grab one of his works and bone up on your Shakespearian language skills because you will be talking like one today.
World Book and Copyright Day (International Day of the Book) – The day was officially begun in 1995, but in 1932, Spanish booksellers connected this day to the date of the burial of author Miguel de Cervantes according to the Gregorian Calendar. Then England jumped in and decided that they would indeed celebrate this holiday but it was because Shakespeare died on this day according to the Julian Calendar. However, the interesting thing is that because of the use of different calendars by the different countries, the two men seem to have died on the same day, but Shakespeare actually died 11 days after de Cervantes.
UN English Language Day - One of the six main languages used in the United Nations, this is a day to celebrate the English language. This day was chosen because once again, it is believed to be William Shakespeare’s birthday.
St. George’s Day - This is a feast day celebrated by Christians in England and other countries where St. George is the patron saint. It is believed to be the date St. George died in 303 AD. Churches that use the Julian calendar celebrate this day on what would be May 6th for the rest of us. This day could be moved to another if it interferes with Easter. Which it doesn’t this year.
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