National Only Child Day - There are advantages to having siblings, but there are also advantages to being an only child. Only children don’t have to share their parents’ attention, their toys, their rooms or the last brownie. They don’t have to fight for the covers, the best seat in the car or wear hand me downs. On the other hand, they also can’t blame anyone else for breaking Mom’s favorite lamp or coloring on the walls with permanent marker.
International Day for Street Children - Begun in 2011 by the Consortium for Street Children, this is a day let the voices of millions of street children be heard. The theme this year is a celebration of the United Nations agreement to develop a General Comment on Children in Street Situations. The Consortium believes that this will have a positive impact on the lives of the children and the organizations that help them.
National Licorice Day – Did you know that the licorice plant is a member of the pea family? I had no idea, either. I found that information and more at I also found out that Licorice International sells more than 160 types of licorice so I’m sure you can find something that you will like if you’re not a fan of the standard licorice that you get at the grocery store.
Big Wind Day – On this day in 1934, during a “wild April storm”, the observatory on Mt. Washington in New Hampshire recorded a wind gust of 231 miles per hour. The highest velocity of naturally produced wind ever officially recorded by an anemometer on this planet so far. And yes, after the storm was over, the anemometer was tested and found to be working accurately. The fascinating story can be found here.

International Day Of Human Space Flight – In 2011, the United Nations adopted a resolution creating this day in honor of the first manned spaceflight mentioned above. If you think about it, the first astronauts had to have a great deal of courage because no one knew what effect space travel would have on the human body.
D.E.A.R. Day – This acronym means Drop Everything And Read. A day made in honor of Beverly Cleary's birthday. Since she had written about D.E.A.R. in one of her books, the least we can do is make sure we read at least one of her books to our children today. Since this day falls on a Sunday this year, schools may have celebrated it on Friday, or they may wait until Monday.
Walk On Your Wild Side Day – We all have a hidden wild side that we can feel free to set loose today. Throw caution to the wind and do whatever your heart desires. I’m a naturally reserved kind of person but even I have a little bit of a wild side that on occasion makes my husband wonder who he married.
National Be Kind To Lawyers Day – Celebrated on the second Tuesday in April, this is a day to stop poking fun at lawyers. After all, if your back is to the wall and you are in legal trouble of any kind, you’re going to need a lawyer on your side. We depend on our lawyers for everything from getting out of jail to writing up a contract to making a will, so let’s remember that today and try thanking them instead of ridiculing them.
National Library Workers Day or National Library Day – Celebrated on the Tuesday of National Library Week (which would be this week), this day has a lot of different names but one purpose, which is to celebrate Libraries and everyone who works in them, including the Friends of the Library groups who work hard to help the Libraries fund the programs they have for their patrons. Libraries are not just places to borrow books for free, although that is a great benefit for book lovers on a limited budget. They are also places for people to access the internet, learn how to use computers, learn how to read, get help with their resumes and job searching and countless other programs that are unique to each library. Libraries located in urban areas are more likely to have more programs available to their patrons, than small village libraries. But no matter what size your local library is, it contains a Librarian who wants to help you find whatever it is you want to find.
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