Go Fly A Kite Day - Celebrated on the third Sunday in April, this is a day to do just what the name says and go fly a kite. I have never flown a kite. I’ve seen it done by others. I have watched Mary Poppins about a hundred thousand times, after all. I know the song. But I really can’t think of anything more boring than holding a string with a wind surfing kite on the other end.
Malbec World Day - Malbec is a kind of wine. Why does Malbec have its’ own day, you ask? Well, I’ll tell you. In 1853, President Faustino Sarmiento of Argentina wanted to improve Argentina’s wine industry. So he asked a Frenchman, Michel Aime Pouget, who was a soil expert, to bring over new grapevines for them to try. One of them was Malbec. Mr. Pouget experimented with Argentinian soil to see what worked best. Malbec flourished in that environment. This actually ended up saving the Malbec from extinction because a few years later, France experienced a plague that nearly destroyed their vines completely.
National Kickball Day - Now who here remembers playing kickball during recess or gym classes. I did. I hated the game because there were certain individuals who would get very emotionally invested in finding out who was selected to play on whose team. Then, God forbid you are on the losing team. It messed up their whole day. Not for me. Then, as an adult I was assigned the task of refereeing the game for the 2nd grade recess. Let me tell you that nothing has changed.

World Hemophilia Day - Created by the World Federation of Hemophilia in 1989, this is a day to raise awareness of hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. Their goal is to raise money for research to cure these diseases and to attract people who care about this disorder and want to volunteer their time to help in some way.
National Haiku Poetry Day – Poetry lovers everywhere rejoice! Today is a day to celebrate the Haiku form of poetry that we get from Japan and consists of three lines. The first line is 5 syllables, the second line is 7 syllables, and the third line is again 5 syllables.
National Cheeseball Day – My husband loves a good cheeseball to have with his crackers at a party. I'm sure all of you cheese lovers do, too. I didn’t know it was popular enough to have a day, but then I’m not as big a fan of cheese as most people are.
Blah, Blah, Blah Day – This is a day to do all the things that you have been asked to do but don't remember because you tuned out the asker and didn't really listen when they gave you the list. Yeah, that would be my kids.
International Bat Appreciation Day – Created by http://smileybat.com/holidays/ and sponsored by Bat Conservation International, this is a day to admire everything about bats, including the fact that they eat insects. Consider putting up a bat house in your backyard to help them have a place to live. This day may be changing to November 1st, I haven’t found out for sure yet.
Ellis Island Family History Day – This day was officially proclaimed by the nation's Governors, “to recognize the achievements and contributions to America by Ellis Island immigrants and their descendents.” This day was first celebrated in 2001 when the American Family Immigration History Center at Ellis Island was opened. See the history of this day here:
Nothing Like A Dame Day – This is a day to honor the “Dames” of the old movies. Today you are encouraged to watch and learn from these ladies and to bring out the “Dame” that lies within all of us.
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