National Bookmobile Day – Begun in 2010, and celebrated on the Wednesday of National Library Week, this is a day to celebrate the contributions of the nation's bookmobiles and the people who make them possible. In case you don’t have any in your area, bookmobiles are libraries on wheels that bring the books to people who can’t come to the libraries.
National Peach Cobbler Day – I miss the peach tree we had in our yard when we lived in Texas because the peaches I buy in the store just don’t measure up. But, I’ll give them another try today anyway because peach cobbler is just so delicious.

Scrabble Day – Born on this day in 1899, Alfred Moser Butts went on to invent Scrabble in 1938. If you live in a city that sponsors a Scrabble tournament at some point around this day, you can play scrabble all day long. If not, start your own scrabble tournament with your neighborhood kids.
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