Fish Fingers and Custard Day - I admit that I don’t know that much about Doctor Who. So I didn’t know that fish fingers and custard is a Doctor Who thing. I thought it was just another food holiday. My mistake, I apologize to all the Doctor Whovians out there who will want to celebrate by eating this while binge watching Doctor Who shows with your favorite Doctor.
American Circus Day - On this day in 1793, Englishman John Bill Ricketts brought the circus to America. Circuses have had waxing and waning popularity in the years since that time, but they still can be found in various places in the United States, moving from one town to another. They offer sometimes spectacular and awe inspiring acts, and exotic animals. But they are also hotbeds of controversy over the treatment of those animals. I, for one, certainly wouldn’t want to be one. Being caged all the time and only let out to perform a few tricks, is not my idea of a good life.
National Chocolate Mousse Day – Rich and creamy, sweet and chocolatey, what could be a better dessert?
Don't Go To Work Unless It's Fun Day – If work is a drag, don't go today. Take a fun day off. If, on the other hand, you have fun at your job or your boss has fun activities planned for today, you don't want to miss out on that.
Tweed Day – You appear to have a choice today. You can either celebrate the fabric called tweed by wearing tweed clothing, or you can celebrate the Senator-turned-crook William “Boss” Tweed who was born on this day in 1823. This famous evil-doer stole up to $200 million from the public, which back in the 1800's was a whole lot more than it is now and even now it’s a lot of money. He was convicted in 1877 and although he managed to escape once, he was recaptured and shortly after died in jail in 1878.

Pony Express Day – On this day in 1860, the Pony Express began operations. As I’m sure you know, the Pony Express delivered mail by horse and rider relay teams. A braver set of mailmen has never existed in my opinion. The hazards these men endured just to deliver mail were incredible. They cut the time for mail delivery across the country from a month or more to approximately 10 days which was amazing back then.
Education And Sharing Day – Established by Presidential Proclamation in 1978 and renewed each year since, this day celebrates the birthday of Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson. The Rabbi was an advocate for youth and for education.
Weed Out Hate: Sow The Seeds Of Greatness Day – On March 7, 1965 (50 years ago) there was a civil rights demonstration in Selma, Alabama, that met with violent resistance from the police. This is known Bloody Sunday. We’ve come a long way since then, but we still have a ways to go. We need to teach our children love and tolerance instead of hate and distrust.
World Party Day or World Singing Day – Begun in 1996, this day is focused on a world wide synchronized celebration hoping to bring about improved social conditions. The idea being that the opposite of war must be a great, big, humongous party. Your celebrations can be in the form of a big party with fireworks, food and music, or something quieter with just you and a friend or two having a quiet dinner, or anything in between.
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