404 Day - A 404 is an error message or Not Found message that we get occasionally when surfing the internet. It happens when a web site has been blocked or if the computer cannot communicate with the server or the server can’t find what is being asked for. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness about the issue of censorship and whether anyone has the right to stop you from seeing whatever you want to see. This is because a lot of places block websites that might include obscene or pornographic images or words. They generally do this to protect young people from seeing these things. However, sometimes this also blocks perfectly acceptable websites like those of art museums or websites of a medical nature because filters are not perfect.
National Fun Day - Celebrated on the first Monday of April, this is a day for FUN. Of course, fun is different for everyone. My idea of fun is to read a really good book while cuddled up with my husband. My husband’s idea of fun is going hiking in the woods. Not very compatible activities in the short term, but we have all day, so make a few compromises so everyone gets some time for what they think is fun.
Square Root Day - Square Root Day is held only rarely because it occurs on the date when both the month and the day are a square root of the last two digits of the year. So the last one took place on 3/3/2009 and the next one will be 5/5/2025. Try to incorporate square roots in everything you do today.

Victims of Violence Holy Day – This is the anniversary of MLK's death. The second of three Emancipation Days of Respect which honor the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr. by promoting respect, unity and remembrance.
National Cordon Bleu Day – Get yourself a tenderized chicken breast, wrap it around some sliced ham, roll it in some breading and bake. There's dinner for you.
Hug A Newsman Day – We depend on our newspeople to keep us informed about what is going on in the world as a whole as well as in our own little piece of it. Although they do sensationalize a bit to get us to read/watch their reports because ultimately it all comes down to making money. We all have to eat after all and newspeople are no different in that regard.
Walk Around Things Day – I am really going to celebrate this day with every fiber of my being. I am determined that I am not going to walk into one single thing today. I am going to join in the spirit of the day and walk around and not through everything that even comes close to being in my path. The bruises that I already have on my legs do not need any friends to join them. Just keep in mind that the obstacles that need to be avoided are not always physical, they can be emotional as well. Contemplate that one for a while.
School Librarian Day – Another day with some controversy regarding when it should be celebrated. But it definitely should be celebrated at some point. Where would we be in our educational lives without the School Librarian. I have heard that some schools have had to cut their librarians to save money and I think that is a disservice to the children of those schools. Librarians are an invaluable resource for almost any situation you can think of.

Tell A Lie Day – I have seen a website that links this day to George Orwell's 1984 because the main character was forced to live a lie. That may or may not be the real origin, but whatever it happens to be, today is a day to be less than truthful, not something I normally encourage so I'm hoping my children don't look at this today.
International Day For Mine Awareness & Assistance In Mine Action – There are many places in this world where hidden landmines left over from past wars make life very dangerous for the people who have to live in those former war zones. The UN is dedicated to locating and disarming each and every leftover landmine, but that takes a lot of time and money and skill so they need lots of help.
Vitamin C Day – Focus on what you are eating today. Are you getting enough Vitamin C in the foods you eat? Maybe you need to eat more spinach or citrus fruits. I know, not exactly what you wanted to hear. But it’s important to maintain a healthy body and it’s better for you to get your vitamins from fruits and vegetables rather than from pills.
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