Every Day is Tag Day - Celebrated on the first Saturday in April, this is a day to recognize the importance of putting an identification tag on your pet and microchipping him/her as well. Pets get out and run off all the time. Then when it gets found, the people who find it sometimes have a very hard time identifying its’ owners. If there is a tag with your name and phone number or address, or if there is a microchip that a vet can scan to get that information, you will get your beloved pet back very soon.
National Peanut Butter And Jelly Day – Celebrating a basic staple for children's lunches. There was a time when peanut butter and mint jelly sandwiches were all my daughters would eat in sandwich form. Yes, I said MINT jelly. That green jelly that most people only put on lamb dishes.
International Children's Book Day – Sponsored by the International Board On Books For Young People, this day is celebrated with writing contests and author events. Today was chosen for this particular celebration because it is Hans Christian Andersen's birthday.
Reconciliation Day – Begun by Ann Landers, the late advice columnist, today is a day for mending relationships. Take the first step and reach out in friendship. You never know where that might take you. There is also a Reconciliation Day celebrated today in South Africa but it is a day to celebrate the end of the violence that happened between the black and white communities during Apartheid.

International Pillow Fight Day – This day is celebrated all over the world with humongous pillow fights. Check out this website for a list of locations hosting pillow fighting events. Better yet, don’t tell your kids about this day, just launch a sneak attack!
World Autism Awareness Day – This is a day to raise awareness of the increasing prevalence of autism. Autism organizations have been celebrating this day for 8 years with fundraising for research and treatments as well as awareness events. Autism affects so many more families today than it did when I was a kid, we HAVE to figure out what is causing it. When I was younger, autism struck 1 out of 250 children. Now, I just heard on the radio a couple of days ago, it affects 1 out of 68. This is important, people, we have to figure out what is causing this because if we don’t, there will soon be more children with autism than there are children without it.
National Love Your Produce Manager Day – I think most of us could use more fresh produce in our diets. A great produce manager is vital if you want your grocery store to stock the best and freshest produce possible.
National Love Our Children Day – Celebrated on the first Saturday in April and recognized by proclamation of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg every year that he was Mayor (presumably this will be done by the present Mayor as well), this day is about seeing the value of children and giving them the love, protection and respect they need.
Tangible Karma Day – This is a day of giving. Giving your time, skills, or possessions you don’t need, to others is the theme for this day which is always celebrated on the first Saturday in April. Do whatever you can to help someone today: volunteer to help a friend, have a party where you give away things you don't need, or volunteer at a local charity.
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