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May 16, 2014

Do we have any bicycling enthusiasts reading this page today? 

Love A Tree Day – Trees are vital for our lives. They provide a tremendous service to us and we take them for granted in a big way. Where would our oxygen come from without them? What about our shade, homes for animals, food for insects, food for us?   I could go on and on.

National Sea Monkey Day – Sea monkeys were created by marketing genius, Harold von Braunhut, in 1960. They are really just brine shrimp in fancy packaging and Mr. von Braunhut made a fortune. You can still buy them today.

Wear Purple For Peace Day – Ok, I have researched a lot of days now but I think this is one of the oddest. This is a day to wear purple to promote peace. That's not so odd, you might be thinking. At least until I tell you that the peace in question is not between different countries or people, but between people and aliens. That's right. We are supposed to wear purple today so that if any aliens happen to swing by, they will know that we have nothing but peaceful intentions. I am unsure how these aliens are supposed to know that purple means peace. I could not find an explanation for that.

Endangered Species Day – Celebrated on the third Friday in May, this is a day to learn about the endangered species in your state. Find out about their habitats and food sources and see if you can discover why they are endangered.

International Virtual Assistants Day -This day is also one that is celebrated on the third Friday in May. Today we acknowledge the increasing prevalence of virtual assistants and the invaluable services they provide.  They are mostly freelance workers who take phone calls, do research, make appointments and a whole host of other activities.

National Bike To Work Day – Celebrated on the third Friday in May, this is a day to leave the car home and bike to work, although if your job is just too far away, in some areas you can take buses for part of the distance. Good luck finding one that will be able to carry your bike. Riding your bike to work provides many benefits such as being great for the environment, providing exercise and saving money. Win, win, win!  The weather’s bad in my area today so if you have that situation, make sure you wear a raincoat.

National Defense Transportation Day – The third Friday in May is obviously a very busy day every year because we are also celebrating this United States Federal Observance Day. On this day, we are urged by our President to celebrate with “appropriate ceremonies that will give complete recognition to the importance to each community and its people of the transportation system of the United States and the maintenance of the facilities of the system in the most modern state of adequacy to serve the needs of the United States in times of peace and in national defense.” He's pretty wordy. I would have just told everyone to have a party for the people who work to move us from one place to another.

National Pizza Party Day – Yet another day to celebrate on the third Friday, my kids are happy, although they think that every Friday should be Pizza Party Day.

World Telecommunications and Information Society Day – Celebrated every year since 1969, this is a day to mark the founding of the International Telecommunication Union on this day in 1865. Yes, believe it or not, people did communicate back then. I'm not sure how they got a string long enough to connect the soup cans in other countries, but somehow they managed to communicate.  This is usually celebrated on May 17th, but since that is on Saturday this year, the powers that be moved it to today.

Biographer's Day – On this day in 1763, in London, England, a biographer, James Boswell, met with his biographee, Samuel Johnson. Mr. Boswell later wrote two books about Mr. Johnson and this whole relationship is apparently quite well known among the writing community.

To celebrate today, wear purple and purchase some sea monkey's for your kids. Then communicate with your virtual assistant and give him/her the task of arranging a pizza party for the transportation workers in your area.  Next, go out and give a tree a good hug before you make yourself comfortable in its’ shade while you start writing a biography about someone you have met being sure to include their work on behalf of various endangered species.

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