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May 9, 2014

Today, on the second Friday in May, we celebrate:

National Moscato Day – I've never had this kind of wine before, but today is as good a day as any to try something new. Enjoy a glass today, just be careful about how much you drink if you have to drive home.

Fintastic Friday: Giving Sharks A Voice – Celebrated on the second Friday in May, this is a day to make a difference in the life of a shark. Shark populations are being depleted and we need to do something about it.

Military Spouses Day – This day was originally proclaimed by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 and celebrated on May 23rd. But later, the US Secretary of Defense, Caspar Weinberger made it a yearly holiday and changed the date to the Friday before Mother's Day. This is a day to acknowledge the support and sacrifices made by spouses of the Armed Forces.

Provider Appreciation Day – Begun in 1996, and celebrated on the Friday before Mother’s Day, this is a day to appreciate your childcare provider, and anyone else who spends any amount of time taking care of your child.  Working parents, in particular, have reason to be grateful to their childcare providers.

Lost Sock Memorial Day – I have a drawer that has plenty of single socks. I have no idea where the lost socks go but I suspect that my daughter, who wears the same size now and NEVER matches her socks (some sort of fashion trend), swiped them. I've never really believed the whole washing machine sock stealing conspiracy theory.

To celebrate today, give a bottle of Moscato to a Military family you know before you gather up all your single socks and give them to your child’s childcare provider to use for crafts or cleaning whiteboards.  Finally, get online and see what you can do to help the sharks.

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