Lumpy Rug Day – Nobody likes a lumpy rug, they are just no good to lay on while you watch TV or take a nap. So this is a day to celebrate good, non-lumpy rugs. If you have a lumpy one, it would be a good day to look for another one. I’m not sure who created this day, but I suspect it was someone associated with the making or selling of rugs.
World Press Freedom Day – Declared by the United Nations General Assembly, this is a day to stress the importance of freedom of the press and to remind governments around the world of their responsibility to respect the freedom of expression outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
National Raspberry Popover Day – I have never made raspberry popovers but they sure look good. I’ve made other popovers and they turned out ok, but not great. If you want to make sure you enjoy this day, go to your favorite bakery today and see if they have any for you.
National Chocolate Custard Day – I have found numerous references to this particular food holiday. Some people say to celebrate today, others say to celebrate on May 5th. I say, let’s do both! You just can’t go wrong when it comes to chocolate custard.
National Special-abled Pets Day – Begun in 2006 as National Disabled Pet Day, this is a day to focus on the care of pets with special needs. Some animals are born disabled, others are injured and become disabled. Caring for them can be challenging but they deserve just as much love and attention as any other pet because they still love you just as much as any other pet.
National Two Different Colored Shoes Day – This is a day to celebrate diversity in the human race. Take a risk and wear shoes of different colors today. Just make sure they have the same size heel or you will end up in traction by the end of the day from your lopsided back.
Paranormal Day – This is a day for paranormal believers to get together and share experiences. There are related seminars and radio broadcasts happening all over the country.
Bladder Cancer Awareness Day – This day is meant to spread awareness of the symptoms of bladder cancer and promote research to find a cure. There are Bladder Cancer walks scheduled for today in at least 32 states.
Public Radio Day – On this day in 1971, National Public Radio aired the first broadcast of “All Things Considered”, a daily news show. That show is still on the radio today and although it has changed quite a bit in that time, it is still quite popular.
International Babylost Mother's Day, or International Bereaved Mother's Day – Celebrated on the first Sunday of May, this day was created by Carly Marie because the traditional Mother’s Day (which was created by Anna Jarvis to honor her mother, Ann, who had to live through the death of 7 of her children) has become very commercialized and mothers of children who have died have been forgotten or ignored. This is a movement to bring back the true meaning of Mother's Day.
National Infertility Survival Day - While some people seem to get pregnant if you just sneeze on them, others have a great deal of trouble achieving what becomes the unattainable dream. Having a child can be the most stressful, frustrating and heartbreaking goal of a couple's life. This day is celebrated on the Sunday before Mother’s Day.
World Laughter Day – Created in 1998 by Dr. Madan Kataria, also the creator of an exercise routine called Laughter Yoga, this day is about spreading the message of the best medicine not created by doctors. Celebrated in more than 70 countries worldwide, the mission of this day is to spread world peace, joy and good health by laughing together. If you do this at 12noon local time, you can join the wave of laughter going around the world. This day is celebrated on the first Sunday in May every year.
Lemonade Day - Celebrated on the first Sunday in May, and also on August 20th, this is a day to teach children about being an entrepreneur. Begun by Michael & Lisa Holthouse in 2005 as an after school program. It has grown to cities all over the country, teaching life and business skills to more than 200,000 children last year.
Motorcycle Mass & Blessing Of The Bikes Day – Celebrated on the first Sunday in May, this is a day for motorcyclists everywhere to gather at a special mass to have their bikes blessed.
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