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October 19, 2015

Today we celebrate:

Dress Like A Dork Day - While I am sure that no one out there dresses like a dork on a regular basis, we all have those days when we just don’t care about matching. Well, ok maybe that’s just me. In any case, today is a day for everyone to dress unfashionably, mix it up a bit, wear argyle socks with plaid pants, suspenders and don’t forget the enormous glasses taped together so they don’t fall apart.

Multicultural Diversity Day - Also on the third Monday in October, this day was created by Cleorah Scruggs from Flint, Michigan, and adopted by the Representative Assembly in 1993. It is a day to share your culture with others and to be receptive when others share their cultures with you.

New Friends Day - You can never have too many friends, in my humble opinion. While I certainly would never suggest you get rid of old friends unless the relationship has become toxic to you, you should always keep an open mind and open heart to welcome in new friends that you could meet at any moment.

International Adjust Your Chair Day - Celebrated on the third Monday in October, this is a day to save yourself a lot of back problems by making sure your chair is adjusted properly. You want both feet on the floor and to be high enough that your arms bend comfortably at the elbows for typing. And make sure you are looking straight ahead at your computer screen and not looking up or down. I have my chair adjusted well, but my computer screen is too low so I put it up on a dictionary. Who uses dictionaries nowadays anyway?

World Pediatric Bone and Joint (PB&J) Day - This is a day to bring awareness to a problem that I, for one, never really give much thought to. Children can have a plethora of problems with bones and joints just like adults, and if they are not taken care of it can affect their growth. So today is a day to focus on the musculoskeletal health of children and bring awareness to parents and doctors of the treatments that are available to help them.

National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day – Celebrated on the third Monday of October, this is a day to look at your computer desktop. How many icons do you have on there that you don't even use...ever! Can you even see your desktop picture? Can you quickly find what you need when you need it? Depending on your answers to these questions, you may need to take some time today to clean up your desktop so that you can work more effectively and efficiently.

Evaluate Your Life Day – This is a day to look at your life very carefully. Are you working toward achieving your goals, are you a good person, are you depressed and need to make some positive changes? Be brutally honest with yourself and be prepared to change things that need to be changed.

National Seafood Bisque Day – Creamy and delicious. If you are a seafood fan, try your hand at making some today.

Rainforest Day - This is a day to recognize how very important rainforests are to the climate of the entire world. The Amazon alone creates more than 20 percent of the world’s oxygen supply.  The rainforests are dwindling at an alarming rate because of logging and farming. We have to work to raise awareness and try to save them before it’s too late. I understand the plight of the farmers, they are trying their best to make a living to support their families. But everyone needs to understand that the fate of the world is at stake here.

To celebrate today, dress like a dork and adjust your chair before you evaluate your life and research rainforests and child bone and joint problems while you eat some seafood bisque. Then clean your computer desktop ( you know you don’t use half the stuff you have cluttering up that background picture) and find some new friends to share your culture with.

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