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June 11, 2014

Today we celebrate:

National German Chocolate Cake Day – Interestingly enough, this delectable dessert did not originate in Germany as the name may imply. The chocolate used in the recipe was invented in 1852, by an American by the name of Sam German for the American Baker's Chocolate Company. They named the chocolate “Baker's German's Sweet Chocolate” in his honor. Then the cake recipe that came a hundred years later was created by Mrs. George Clay, a Texas homemaker, who used this chocolate and named her cake German's Chocolate Cake.

Corn on the Cob Day – Corn is a crop that has been grown for food for thousands of years. I like corn but have always been somewhat skeptical of it's nutritional value. However, I understand that it does contain B vitamins, Vitamin C, phosphorus, manganese, folate, and soluble fiber. So enjoy some today.

King Kamehameha Day - This is not only a fun name to say, but it is a real public holiday in Hawaii. It honors Kamehameha the Great, the king who, in 1810, unified the various islands that now comprise the Hawaiian Islands. He ruled between 1782 and 1819. In Hawaii there are numerous festivals, carnivals, races and parades in the days surrounding this day, all in honor of the King.

To celebrate today, go to Hawaii for the parades and festivals and find a place where you can eat corn on the cob and german chocolate cake for lunch.

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