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June 25, 2015

Today we celebrate:

World Vitiligo Day - Vitiligo is a skin disease that destroys the cells that produce melanin, which means that people with dark colored skin will gradually have larger and larger white patches on their bodies.  It is often confused with leprosy in many countries and has a huge and negative social and psychological impact.  People are suffering from this disease are frequently shunned by family and friends.  This is a day to spread awareness of the disease and factual information about its’ causes and treatment.

National Bomb Pop Day – Bomb Pops are a frozen Popsicle type of dessert that is made by Blue Bunny. They were invented in 1955 by James Merritt and D.S. Abernethy in Missouri. They even have a sugar free variety so unless you are allergic to one of the ingredients, you have no reason to not get them for your family today.  This day is celebrated on the last Thursday in June.

National Handshake Day – Also celebrated on the last Thursday in June, this is a day for an old fashioned hand shake. No fist bumps or high fives or crazy secret handshake routines. No sir, people have been shaking hands for centuries. There was a time when a handshake was as good as a signed contract. People shake hands to say hello and to say goodbye, and to offer congratulations. You may be thinking that you are experiencing some deja vu today because we just had a Handshake Day back on the 21st, but that was a worldwide event.  This day is only for the United States to celebrate.  The rest of the world can just put their hands back in their pockets today.  Unless you want to come over here and shake our hands, because that would be perfectly acceptable.

National Strawberry Parfait Day – I understand that Parfait is French for perfect, and that is just what this dessert is, strawberry perfection.

Day of the Seafarer - This is a day to celebrate the people of the sea.  Working on the oceans and seas is a dangerous profession but without them we wouldn’t eat fish, or be able to transport anything by water.

National Catfish Day – This day was created by President Ronald Reagan's Proclamation in 1987. This is a day to eat farm raised catfish, the farming of which has become a sizable industry in America.

Color TV Day (CBS)- On this day in 1951, CBS broadcast the very first color TV program which very few people could enjoy since nearly everyone in America who owned a TV, owned a black-and-white TV since color TV's hadn't taken off yet and wouldn't for another decade. After all, why spend more money to buy a color TV if most of the shows on it were still black-and-white. Besides, TV was still pretty new at that point and many households had just recently purchased their first one. I'm sure they didn't want to turn right around and buy a new one.

Global Beatles Day – This is a day to celebrate the Beatles and the gifts they gave to the world because of their promotion of peace and love and the expansion of the human consciousness. They started a wave of global changes in fashion and art, among other things. This day was chosen to honor the first live global television broadcast of “All You Need Is Love” by John Lennon which occurred back in 1967 on this very day.

To celebrate today, invite over someone you know with Vitiligo and shake hands before you make yourselves comfortable and eat catfish, strawberry parfait, and a Bomb Pop while you watch an old (probably black & white) Beatles performance on your color television.  Then switch over to a documentary on a seaman’s life.

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