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June 26, 2015

Today we celebrate:

Take Your Dog To Work Day – This is a day to celebrate dogs and encourage people to adopt them. There are so many wonderful dogs out there that would make perfect pets for you. We adopted our dog from a rescue organization and I cannot now imagine how we got along without him. He even melted my not-a-dog-person husband's heart. This day began to be celebrated in 1999 and was created by Pet Sitters International.  It is always on the Friday after Father’s Day.

National Chocolate Pudding Day – Chocolate pudding is pretty good, especially for a chocolate lover. Add a little vanilla ice cream and whipped cream and you have turned pretty good into delicious.

National Canoe Day – This is a Canadian celebration founded by the Canadian Canoe Museum with the idea of increasing participation in canoeing across the country. Whether you are new to the sport or you have been canoeing for years, get out and find some water to canoe in today. Enjoy the water, the quiet and the animals you find.

Beautician's Day – This is a day to celebrate the person who styles your hair or paints your nails. Most of us can't do that by ourselves and the people who do it for us help us to look the best that we can be.

International Day Against Drug Abuse And Illicit Trafficking – This is a United Nations created day to raise awareness of the serious problems that illegal drugs bring to society. This day is celebrated by people all over the world with awareness programs.

International Day In Support Of Victims Of Torture – Another United Nations sponsored day created in 1997 to condemn the act of torture which is a crime under international law. Sadly, many governments and individuals ignore this law but the United Nations is working toward completely eradicating this horrific act.

To celebrate today, shake hands with your beautician before you take your dog for a canoe ride.  When you get back, eat chocolate pudding while you learn more about how to help victims of torture and drug abuse.

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