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September 29, 2014

Today we celebrate:

Goose Day - This is a day to celebrate geese in any way you can find.  Do you have a pond where you go to feed the geese?  Maybe your kids like to play Duck, Duck, Goose?  Maybe you know some adults who like to play?  You can read some stories that feature geese to your kids or watch a movie with geese in it.

National Poisoned Blackberries Day - According to legend, on this day, hundreds of years ago, the Devil poisoned all the blackberries in Scotland resulting in  the death of many people.  As a result, there are still some blackberries that are poisoned and should not be eaten.  I would assume that the ones you get in the store are safe to consume, but you should probably research blackberry varieties before eating wild berries.

Broadway Musicals Day - I couldn’t find much information on this day beyond the fact that it exists.  But I would assume that a good way to celebrate would be to go to see a Broadway play.  Do they have any open on a Monday?  I’m not sure so you should check before you head to NYC.

World Heart Day – Created in 2000, this is a day to teach people about heart disease and stroke since they are the leading cause of death in the world. Many of these deaths can be avoided if you know the risk factors and change your life accordingly.

National Attend Your Grandchild's Birth Day – This is a day to encourage grandparents to start bonding with their grandchildren from the very first moment by attending and participating in their birth. I think that sounds great, but in practice it might not be so great. I didn't really want a lot of people in the room with me when I gave birth. I would have found it too stressful. I needed it to be quiet and dark and nobody bother me, please, I'm busy. So in my opinion, whether or not the grandparents attend the birth should be at the discretion of the birthing mother.

National Coffee Day ( also known as Coffee Day or International Coffee Day) – This is a day celebrated by several countries for the purpose of enjoying a good cup of coffee. We are also expected to promote fair trade for coffee and raise awareness of the sad plight of coffee growers. In the short time I had to research this, I was not able to find out what is happening with the coffee growers, so if you know the answer, please let me know so I can feel badly for them. I can only imagine that they share the challenges of other agricultural based enterprises, which are no laughing matter.

VFW Day – Established on this day in 1899, the VFW began as a small group of Spanish-American veterans and has grown to become the nation's largest group of combat veterans. The VFW has, for 114 years, dedicated itself to honoring the dead by helping the living. They do this by spreading good will, patriotism and scholarships for the youth.

To celebrate everything in one day, grab some coffee to get your heart started and head to Broadway to see a play.  It doesn’t even matter what play, they are all great.  Then stop by the VFW near you to share some unpoisoned blackberries.  On the way home, find a pond with some geese and feed them a few bread crumbs left over from your sandwich at lunch.

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