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March 24, 2015

Today we celebrate:

National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day – These delectable treats were first created in 1927 by Blumenthal Brothers Chocolate Company in Philadelphia and named Raisinets. While covering fruits and nuts with chocolate was occurring long before then, it was purely a homemade endeavor, not a branded and publicly sold treat. They changed hands over the years and surprisingly, at least to me, the brand wasn't acquired by Nestle until 1984.

American Diabetes Association Alert Day – Celebrated on the 4th Tuesday in March, this is a day for everyone to take the Diabetes Risk Test to find out if you are at risk for developing Type 2 Diabetes. This is something that I take seriously because of the high rate of diabetes in my family. I encourage you to take it seriously as well.

World Tuberculosis Day – Today is a day to remind everyone that tuberculosis is still a huge health problem in many parts of the world. On this day in 1882, Dr. Robert Koch announced that he had discovered the cause of the disease, the TB Bacillus. This paved the way for a cure to be found. Well, the cure that was found is not enough for everyone and even in this country, people die from TB. In many other countries, this disease runs rampant and it is difficult to get lifesaving medicine where it is most needed.

Argentina National Day of Memory for Truth and Justice - According to the Holidays, Festivals, and Celebrations of the World Dictionary by Cherie D. Abbey, this is a day for the citizens of Argentina to remember the 30,000 or more people who were kidnapped, tortured and killed during the 8 years after a military dictatorship seized power on this day in 1976. They continue to seek justice for the atrocities that were committed during that time.

To celebrate today, take the Diabetes Risk Test before you grab a box of Raisinets and head to Argentina so you can tell them about the problems with getting medicine to those with Tuberculosis.

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