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April 9, 2013

Today we celebrate:

National Chinese Almond Cookie Day – Called “Almond Cakes” in Mandarin, these delectable treats originated in southern and southeastern China.

Name Yourself Day – If you don't like the name your parents gave you for whatever reason, today you can change it. Pick any name you like and use it all day long.

Winston Churchill Day – On this day in 1963, Winston Churchill became an Honorary Citizen of the United States. Although he was the second person to be awarded this honor, he was the first foreign national to havethis honor bestowed upon him by the President of the United States.

Equal Pay Day – This date represents how far into 2013 women must work in order to earn the same amount men earned in 2012. Let's hope that as time goes on, the day comes earlier and earlier in the year. This day was created by the National Committee on Pay Equity in 1996 “to illustrate the gap between men's and women's wages.”

National Be Kind To Lawyers Day – Everyone seems to love to make fun of lawyers, but where do we turn when we have trouble? That's right! Your friendly neighborhood lawyer.

National Cherish An Antique Day – If you have some antiques, make sure you take good care of them, they are from an era when things were made by hand and not by machine. Nothing made these days lasts as long as an antique does anymore. Properly taken care of, an antique can last for a very long time and be worth quite a lot of money.

National Former Prisoner Of War Recognition Day – Soldiers who became prisoner's of war sometimes sacrificed more than their lives. Many times they suffered tortures that we cannot even imagine, let alone contemplate enduring. Sometimes they were rescued, but more often than not, they died and their families never knew what became of them.

Appomattox Day – On this day in 1865, Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant accepted the surrender of General Robert E. Lee at the Appomattox Court House in Virginia.

Jenkins Ear Day – On this day in 1731, Spanish guardacosta boarded an English ship and cut off the ear of Master Mariner Robert Jenkins, among many other atrocities. Seven years later, Jenkins displayed his detached ear and told his tale of woe to a committee of the House of Commons and war was declared against Spain that lasted from 1739-1743 and was known as the War of Jenkin's Ear.

To celebrate today, pick a new name for yourself and encourage everyone to call you by your new name today. Then you should wear ear muffs to protect your ears from being cut off by an angry Spaniard, and stick close to home so you do not become someone's prisoner of war somewhere. You can get out a map, spread it out on your antique table or desk and show the kids where the Appomattox Court House is in Virginia. Next, stop by your lawyer's office with a gift of chinese almond cookies and thank him/her for all of his/her help with whatever legal issues you deal with. Then you gather up your courage to call your boss, if you're a woman, and ask for a raise to bring you up to the same salary your male counterparts earn. After all, as Winston Churchill once said, “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”

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