National Gun Violence Awareness Day - On this day we are to wear orange to spread awareness of the problem of gun violence. People kill other people with guns every day and injure even more. So the #WearOrange movement wants you to help send a message to the powers that be that something needs to be done about it. I think that almost everyone is on board with the idea that something needs to be done, it’s the potential solutions that cause so much debate and disagreement.
American Indian Citizenship Day - On this day in 1924, all Native Americans were finally granted United States citizenship. Before that day, even though Native Americans were here long before there was a United States, the only way for them to become a citizen was to marry a citizen or to fight for the United States in World War I.
I Love My Dentist Day - Dentists get a very bad rap because for some reason, people don’t like to go see their dentist. I am not one of those people. When a couple of years go between checkups it’s not because I don’t like my dentist (He’s been my dentist since I was 5, I love him!), it’s just because I’m too busy taking care of my children to take care of myself. But your dentist is very important. Make scheduling a visit a priority. When things go wrong with your teeth, they can affect the health of the rest of your body.
National Rocky Road Day – Chocolate, marshmallows and nuts all mixed up in a bar or a cookie or ice cream. I'm not a fan because I have never liked nuts in my desserts, but I can see the appeal to other dessert fans.

National Bubba Day – I couldn't find a really reliable source for this day. What I did find tells me that this is a day to salute all those who are known by the name (or nickname) “Bubba”. For example, Forrest Gump's friend, Benjamin Buford “Bubba” Blue. If you know several Bubbas, throw a party for them and call everyone “Bubba” for a day.
National Leave the Office Early Day – This is a day to combat workaholism. Today you are going to leave work early and actually enjoy the rest of your day. Do not spend all of your time and energies at work. There is life outside the office and you need to explore it today. Although some people claim this day is celebrated on June 3rd, it seems to me that the majority place it today.
National Moonshine Day - Celebrated on the first Thursday in June, today we honor the colorful and very interesting history of Moonshine and the men and women who made it in secret in old bathtubs and backyard stills.
Hug An Atheist Day - This is still a country that professes to have freedom of religion. It seems as if one religion after another comes under attack by someone who believes differently every other day. We need to respect each other’s beliefs, and understand that they might be different than yours. It’s ok, and it makes this country a diverse and interesting place. You can be firm in your convictions and still defend someone who believes the polar opposite because they have the right to believe what they want. This is a day that assumes that atheists are discriminated against more than others. I’m not sure that is true, but if giving an atheist a hug helps them out a bit today, by all means do so. This is a day that is celebrated on the first Friday of June.
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