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June 26, 2017

Today we celebrate:

Forgiveness Day - There is a Global Forgiveness Day later in the summer, but this is just a national one so you don’t have to forgive any international wrongdoers today. I’m not sure who created this day or when, but it’s pretty clear what it’s all about. And it is a very good idea to forgive anyone who has wronged you. So, OK, I forgive my sister for monopolizing the remote control when we were kids, and forcing me to watch Little House on the Prairie, which I probably would have actually enjoyed if it had been my idea to watch it. But I’m over it now, all is forgiven.

Tropical Cocktails Day - We just recently had a day for cocktails, but this is more specific. You can only have Tropical cocktails today. Did you know there is a cocktail that has the name “Tropical Fart”, ask your bartender for that one, I dare you. I am amazed at some of the names of these drinks we ask for. There’s another one called the “Great White Shark Attack”, who comes up with these names? And I have absolutely no idea how bartenders memorize all of the recipes.

National Chocolate Pudding Day – Chocolate pudding is pretty good, especially for a chocolate lover. Add a little vanilla ice cream and whipped cream and you have turned pretty good into delicious.

National Canoe Day – This is a Canadian celebration founded by the Canadian Canoe Museum with the idea of increasing participation in canoeing across the country. Whether you are new to the sport or you have been canoeing for years, get out and find some water to canoe in today. Enjoy the water, the quiet and the animals you find.

Beautician's Day – This is a day to celebrate the person who styles your hair or paints your nails. Most of us can't do that by ourselves and the people who do it for us help us to look the best that we can be.

International Day Against Drug Abuse And Illicit Trafficking – This is a United Nations created day to raise awareness of the serious problems that illegal drugs bring to society. This day is celebrated by people all over the world with awareness programs.

International Day In Support Of Victims Of Torture – Another United Nations sponsored day created in 1997 to condemn the act of torture which is a crime under international law. Sadly, many governments and individuals ignore this law but the United Nations is working toward completely eradicating this horrific act.

Please Take My Children To Work Day – Celebrated on the last Monday in June, this is a day to recognize stay-at-home mothers and the very difficult job they have every day doing pretty much every job there is. On this day, stay-at-home moms can kick back, relax a little and laugh at themselves.

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