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March 12, 2013

Today we celebrate:

National Baked Scallops Day – A new way to have scallops, at least for me.

National Organize Your Home Office Day – Today is the day. No more excuses. Get in there and get started. Make a to-do list, find your file folders, start sorting and making piles. You can do it!

Girl Scouts Day – On this day in 1912, Juliette Gordon Low gathered a bunch of girls and held the first ever Girl Scout meeting. Her dream has grown into a world wide reality for millions of girls.

Plant A Flower Day – You might want to plant your flower inside since, depending on where you live, the ground outside could still be frozen. But there's no better day than today to get your garden started.

National Alfred Hitchcock Day – Born on August 13, 1899, this is a day to celebrate the master of suspense. I was not able to determine why it was today and not August 13th, but regardless, if you have the stomach for it, today is the day to watch one of his disturbing movies.

To celebrate today, get out some potting soil and some pots and plant your favorite flowers. Then get busy an organize your home office. It's a big job, I know, but you can do it. Next, track down a Girl Scout meeting that you can attend and finally, finish up the day with some baked scallops and an Alfred Hitchcock movie.

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