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May 28, 2013

Today we celebrate:

Amnesty International Day – Amnesty International was founded in 1961 after an article was published on this day in 1961 by the The Observer entitled “The Forgotten Prisoners” by Peter Benenson. Amnesty's goal is to bring attention to the many cases of human rights abuse in the world and to bring pressure to governments whenever and wherever they can to try to get those abuses to end. The organization was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in 1977 for its “campaign against torture,” as well as the United Nations Prize in the Field of Human Rights in 1978.

Sierra Club Day – Founded on this day in 1892, with John Muir as its' first President and a membership of 182 charter members, this club has worked tirelessly to, as John Muir said, “do something for wildness and make the mountains glad.” This club now has more than a million members and is the oldest environmental organization in the U.S.

Slugs Return From Capistrano Day – This is a day that was created by the very inventive people. The premise of the day is that Capistrano is a lovely place to spend the winter if you're a slug but now it's getting too hot so they are returning to patios and gardens near you. Of course, slugs don't move very fast so I'm not sure of the mode of transportation they will choose. Maybe they hitch a ride on cars, buses, trains, etc.

To celebrate today, examine your garden or backyard for evidence of slugs, maybe they have left a slimy trail behind that you can follow, and then go out and find the wilderness so you can bask in its' glory. Next, get online and join the Sierra Club and Amnesty International and find out what you can do to support their missions. You might have to promise to never torture anyone, so if you have siblings, think hard about whether or not you will be able to keep your promise before you make it.

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