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February 12, 2013

Today we celebrate:

Extraterrestrial Culture Day – Celebrated big in New Mexico on the second Tuesday of the month, it is a day to celebrate aliens in the past, present and future.

Extraterrestrial Visitor Day – Seems to go hand in hand with Extraterrestrial Culture Day for obvious reasons.

International Darwin Day – The birthday of Charles Darwin, this day is a global celebration of science and reason, or so the website says.

Pancake Day or Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday or Fastnacht day – The day before Ash Wednesday when Lent begins. This is the day to eat lots of food in preparation for the fasting of Lent. Hence the pancakes since they are rich in eggs, milk and sugar.

Mardi Gras – This celebration seems to last for weeks. This is actually the last day of the festivities as far as I can tell so if you wait until the actual Mardi Gras day to go see it all, you will miss most of it.

Paczki Day – a Polish dish that looks like a donut without the hole. It is traditionally made on this day to use up ingredients that could not be eaten during Lent.

Lincoln's Birthday – The birthday of President Abraham Lincoln, one of the most popular presidents in American History.

NAACP Day – Founded on this day in 1909, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People has a mission “to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination”. While all of those things have come a long way since 1909, I don't think anyone believes that its mission is finished.

Oglethorpe Day – This day honors British General James Edward Oglethorpe who founded the state of Georgia on this day in 1733(which he named after King George II).

Safety Pup Day – Developed in 1985 by the National Child Safety Council and designed to address different safety issues with children such as stranger safety.

National Lost Penny Day – Begun in 1995, this is a day to find all of the lost pennies you can and cash them in because combined, pennies are more useful than they are individually. Consider donating the pennies to your favorite charity so they might serve a great purpose.

National Plum Pudding Day – Formerly known as Plum Duff, this pudding has been around for a long time. It isn't really a pudding, to me it's more of a cake, but I've made other puddings that came out very cake-like so I guess others have different definitions of what makes a pudding. Feel free to put this on a plate, douse it in brandy and flambe it.

I wonder if it's a coincidence that we celebrate extraterrestrials on the same day as Mardi Gras? In any case, make sure your children are safe before they go off to school today, then you can search the house for pennies, and have your own Mardi Gras party. Lunch today will be Plum Pudding and Paczki before you leave the house to go to join the NAACP. Then you can celebrate Oglethorpe Day by taking a quick trip to Georgia to admire the land he found and named on your way to Washington D.C. to visit the Lincoln Memorial. You should be able to make it home in time for dinner since your extraterrestrial friends will be giving you a lift. They are waiting to give you a tour of their spacecraft which is full of scientific exhibits which would fascinate Darwin if he were able to come with you.

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