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February 3, 2013

Today we celebrate:

Four Chaplains Memorial Day – congress declared this day to be a holiday honoring the 70th Anniversary of the sinking of the United States Army Transport Dorchester. Four Army Chaplains from four different religions went down with the ship that day when they gave their life jackets to other passengers. They sacrificed their lives for men of all faiths.

The Day The Music Died – A line from Don McLean's song “American Pie” used to describe how the music world felt after the plane crash that killed Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J.P. “The Big Bopper” Richardson and their pilot, Roger Peterson on this day in 1959.

Dump Your Significant Jerk Day – This day is traditionally the first day of Dump Your Significant Jerk Week which is always the week before Valentine's Day. So if you have a jerk of a girlfriend or boyfriend, this is your chance to get rid of them, end that stressful, unhappy relationship and save yourself some money since you now won't have to buy them a gift for Valentine's Day.

Super Bowl XLVII – I'll consider this to be self-explanatory since even I know about it and I don't watch football.

National Cordova Ice Worm Day – Cordova is a city in Alaska which explains a lot about this holiday. The winter is so dark and cold and difficult to endure that the people decided to have a celebration to lighten their spirits. They have an ice worm parade (the ice worm by the way is a made up creature), they have an ice worm King and Queen and a whole winter carnival.

National Carrot Cake Day – one of my favorite kinds of cake since it carries with it the illusion of healthiness in the form of vegetables. You can sneak some pureed zucchini in it too and no one would ever know the difference.

To celebrate today, you will want to first dump your jerk. Why wait, start the day out right and maybe you'll have a new jerk by dinnertime. Of course, you won't know that the new man/woman is a jerk for a while yet so it will be new and exciting still when Valentine's Day gets here. Then, listen to some music by Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens or The Big Bopper while you eat some carrot cake to make yourself feel better in a healthy way. Then consider going to Alaska for the Cordova Ice Worm Parade and if that doesn't pan out go to or host a Super Bowl party, maybe you'll find your new jerk there. Or even better, maybe your next significant other won't be a jerk but a prince/princess of a person in disguise.

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